Author: Urban Philosophers

  • What It’s Like to Grow Up in an Israeli Settlement
  • The Angel (2018)

    The Angel (2018)

    True story of Ashraf Marwan, who was President Nasser’s son-in-law and special adviser and confidant to his successor Anwar Sadat – while simultaneously Israeli Intelligence’s most precious asset of the 20th century. Based on NYT bestselling book ‘The Angel: The Egyptian Spy Who Saved Israel’ by Uri Bar-Joseph.

  • The White Rose Fighting Nazi Oppression

    The White Rose Fighting Nazi Oppression

    Who was the White Rose? The White Rose was a non-violent, intellectual resistance group in Nazi Germany, led by a group of students and a professor from the University of Munich. The two siblings Hans and Sophie Scholl were members of the White Rose movement. Sophie, a gifted and spirited young woman, was known for…

  • Jojo Rabbit (2019)

    Jojo Rabbit (2019)

    About Jojo Rabbit “Jojo Rabbit” is a 2019 war comedy-drama film written and directed by Taika Waititi, based on Christine Leunens’s 2008 book “Caging Skies”. The film follows the story of a young German boy named Jojo, who is in the Hitler Youth and has Adolf Hitler (played by Taika Waititi) as his imaginary friend.…

  • One Trillion Dollars – Andreas Eschbach

    One Trillion Dollars – Andreas Eschbach

    “One Trillion Dollars” by Andreas Eschbach is a thriller about a New York pizza driver who inherits a trillion dollars.

  • Into the Wild – 2007

    Into the Wild – 2007

    “Into the Wild” is a 2007 film directed by Sean Penn, following Christopher McCandless’ adventure into the Alaskan wilderness.

  • Nothing – Jane Teller

    Nothing – Jane Teller

    A thought-provoking novel, “Nothing,” delves into the meaning of life as a group of friends grapple with existential questions.

  • War, What if it Were Here – Jane Teller

    War, What if it Were Here – Jane Teller

    A European family faces war’s devastating effects, flees to Egypt, and undergoes a profound social and personal transformation.

  • The Computers: The Remarkable Story of the ENIAC Programmers

    The Computers: The Remarkable Story of the ENIAC Programmers

    “The Computers” is an inspirational story challenging stereotypes, highlighting women and men as computing pioneers.

  • Palestinians, are You the price of Germany’s guilt for the Holocaust?

    Palestinians, are You the price of Germany’s guilt for the Holocaust?

    Germany’s obsession with Israel is more about the “German psyche” than the safety and belonging of Jewish people. Germany’s involvement in the issue of Palestinian apartheid is primarily seen through the perspectives of various individuals and organizations within Germany. While there is no official stance from the German government on this matter, there are differing…

  • Why do Muslims say “Allahu Akbar”?

    Why do Muslims say “Allahu Akbar”?

    “Allahu Akbar,” used by Muslims, is a declaration of faith and a reminder of God’s greatness. Its utilization spans prayers, expressions of gratitude, and celebrations, signifying that God is greater than anything on Earth. It is not inherently associated with violence, despite misuse by a small minority.

  • Balfour: Seeds of Discord – The letter that led to the founding of Israel | Al-Jazeera documentary

    Balfour: Seeds of Discord – The letter that led to the founding of Israel | Al-Jazeera documentary

    In November 1917, Britain’s Balfour Declaration opened the door to the founding of Israel 30 years later. And it has had a major impact on the Middle East.

  • What Islam really says about women? – A TED Talk by Alaa Murabit
  • Netanyahu: Palestinian’s leader was the mind for Jewish Holocaust, not Hitler
  • “Analyzing the Teacher’s Tragic Death in France: Understanding the Suspected Islamist Through ChatGPT”

    “Analyzing the Teacher’s Tragic Death in France: Understanding the Suspected Islamist Through ChatGPT” From the link above we can read The Guardian article. It is about a suspected “radicalised” boy that attacked a teacher and hurt other three people. But where is the root of the problem? The religion of Islam or the extremists? The root of the problem is not the religion itself but the actions…

  • Lies and Torture of the CIA with John Kiriakou and Jared Leto – Interview
  • Do you know what exactly is a Cloud?

    Do you know what exactly is a Cloud?

    A Data Center is also called “Cloud”. Your Gmail inbox, Google drive.A Data Center is a physical place with thousands of Hard Disks with your Data recorded.When you pay an Email Service (Inbox) you’re paying for a space on Hard Disk somewhere for your emails. You pay for the security and protection of you data…

  • No more killing gamers?

    No more killing gamers?

    Russian Drone Killers I can understand how Warlords substitute human gap. During Obama’s service, US used gamers and gaming lovers to kill in the Middle East by killer drones. When did drones turn into weapons? Weaponisation [of drones] came almost immediately after 9/11. Predator drones had already observed Osama bin Laden, the al-Qaida leader, from…

  • TikTok’s Cultural Dominance: A New Form of Hegemony?

    TikTok’s Cultural Dominance: A New Form of Hegemony?

    TikTok’s Cultural Dominance This TechScape article discusses the rise of TikTok and its impact on the social media landscape. In the mid-2010s, social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter were dominant, but they began to lose their appeal, especially among teenagers. TikTok, a short-form video app, emerged as a disruptive force in 2018 after…

  • Is France going to cross the border to become a dictatorship?

    Is France going to cross the border to become a dictatorship?

    The recent developments in France, including proposed legislation to regulate online content, grant police powers to spy on citizens, and consider social media shutdowns during riots, raise significant ethical and philosophical questions regarding individual rights, freedom of expression, and government authority. 1. Freedom of Expression The proposed legislation and measures to block websites or spy…