Tag: Top

  • “Analyzing the Teacher’s Tragic Death in France: Understanding the Suspected Islamist Through ChatGPT”

    “Analyzing the Teacher’s Tragic Death in France: Understanding the Suspected Islamist Through ChatGPT”

    https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/13/france-on-high-alert-after-suspected-radical-islamist-kills-teacher From the link above we can read The Guardian article. It is about a suspected “radicalised” boy that attacked a teacher and hurt other three people. But where is the root of the problem? The religion of Islam or the extremists? The root of the problem is not the religion itself but the actions…

  • Is France going to cross the border to become a dictatorship?

    Is France going to cross the border to become a dictatorship?

    The recent developments in France, including proposed legislation to regulate online content, grant police powers to spy on citizens, and consider social media shutdowns during riots, raise significant ethical and philosophical questions regarding individual rights, freedom of expression, and government authority. 1. Freedom of Expression The proposed legislation and measures to block websites or spy…